plus... $8m for Aussie psychedelics, the US company tackling severe mental illness and all the latest news in mental health innovation
Pumponomics all the way 🥲
Pump and dump indeed!
Haha I think I have found a fellow investoor 😉
Chamath certainly popularized, but SPACs actually date back to 2009 according to the table in:
I hope Akili's work can find traction under new ownership.
Yes David, you're 100% right.
We share the same hope for Akili.
Pumponomics all the way 🥲
Pump and dump indeed!
Haha I think I have found a fellow investoor 😉
Chamath certainly popularized, but SPACs actually date back to 2009 according to the table in:
I hope Akili's work can find traction under new ownership.
Yes David, you're 100% right.
We share the same hope for Akili.